Being Close to GOD
Feel powerful Can contain all Resist nothing Love it all Do not discriminate
We try to hold on things that do not exist
Collecting people like you Increasing same quality more and more And be stuck in that quality
Defending Labels: Source of all the fights
I am a woman I am a man I am fat I am skinny I am beautiful I am short I am tall I am very nice I like this I dont like this usually we...
The Hero with A Thousand Faces- Joseph Campbell Part 1- Handling the Truth
The truths contained in religious doctrines are after all so distorted and systematically disguised" writes Sigmund Freud. Joseph...
Are You Really Free?
Do you think you are free because you have lots of money, are you free because? you can drink as much as you can you can sleep with...
Looking for my keys inside, but they are actually outside
I was looking for my keys in the room and could not find it I kept looking and looking I was so sure keys were inside But then it turned...
86400 Moments in a day
We each have 86400 moments in 1 day What we do in each 86400 moments is the difference between us Some spend most of their moments by...
Advertising through human ego and stupidity
You are watching a shampoo commercial You are amazed by that girl with an amazing beautiful hair You know and everybody knows that this...
Liberating from Group Dynamics
Most of our limitations come from the groups that we are part of it In some groups you should always go out on Saturdays and have party...